@jwcph @pluralistic Speaking of paperclip maximisers, I've long suspected that Asimov's true target with his Three Rules of Robotics wasn't robots per se but private enterprise.
It'd be ... interesting ... to have an incorporation statute which ... incorporated those rules of behaviour.
Sigh. Backed another one. https://www.backerkit.com/c/projects/2nd-dynasty/aesir-fleet-28mm-starships-for-your-3d-printer "Agog to be the 21st backer 😎 on @BackerKit Crowdfunding for Aesir Fleet: 28mm Ships for your tabletop!"
#television #ScienceFiction #scifi 32 years ago, in the U.S.A. “The Gathering” was broadcast, the TV movie pilot that introduced the saga of “Babylon 5” https://english.netmassimo.com/2013/02/22/20-years-of-babylon-5/