iolar boosted
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iolar boosted

What paywalls were made for!

New essay on how so many people have camped out, so enthusiastically, in the departure lounge of reality…

…in which I share the beliefs of some of actual real-life family members, and I do not want to get in trouble.

iolar boosted

I'm gonna keep posting this until one of you fucking boosts it

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@shlee im about halfway through and cannot tell if this is a shitpost or not

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As a kid on the C64 this load sequence meant top shelf, best of the best. It also meant uncopyable.


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Whoever is complaining about stepping on LEGO doesn’t have a child that likes to leave these scattered about the house.

@archon @johnsonjeffro There was a very basic list of sources that influenced Traveller back-in-the-day. A group of special characters were listed in Supplement 01 - 1001 Characters (without attribution), and a group of Heroes and Villians in 04 - Citizens of the Imperium (with attribution for both books), and the Dumarest Saga was mentioned there (along with many other sources). But, I get your point :-) You need to read Shannon Appelcline's "The Science Fiction in Traveller".

iolar boosted

#meshtastic #bbs #tc2bbs messaging service and bulletin board using meshtastic direct messages as an interface to a server #heltecv3 #ubuntu
awesome ! With the meshtastic mesh you can retrieve messages and access bulletin boards. Reminds me of .... internet. With no service providers. Home-made net.

iolar boosted

The state of search in 2024:

Google: "We threw away decades of search knowledge and Internet indexing and just made an answer up :blobfoxgoogly:"

Bing: "Here's 100 tangentially related pages from 2010 that I only included because your query appears in a tag cloud in the website's footer"

DuckDuckGo: "Here are the Bing results, only with ✨privacy✨"

Reddit: (this user has deleted their entire post history using PowerDeleteMyShit. Fuck /u/Spez)

Yahoo: "Oh thank god, someone's actually using our search engine! No, we're not just Bing!" *frantically trying to cover up the giant Bing sticker* "NO DON'T GO TO GOOGLE!!!!"

Yandex: "Here are all of the Russian-owned resources on this topic. Only Russian sources are trustworthy. Everything else is fake ne—I MEAN, misinformation"

Kagi: "We'll give you what Google used to give you for free, for the low low price of $10/month!" [hoarse screaming and clawing noises can be heard from the ground beneath a headstone that says "Here lies Jeeves: 1996-2006"]

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A more modern histomap constructed by Schofield & Sims in 2016

Compare to a similar timeline constructed by John B. Sparks in 1931

#worldbuilding #history #rpg #osr

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So I feel like this should be obvious, in general, but it's a good, strong move to use your normal choice of cleaner (LA's, Simple Green, Super Clean, 99% IPA) to get most of the paint off, and reserve a special bottle of paint blitzer for the hard to clean bits.

On the other hand, I have cleaned like fifty minis in these two glass jars (using about 2/3 of my half liter supply) and they are still going super strong.

#paintingMinis #miniatures #painting #paintingMiniatures #miniaturePainting

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iolar boosted

While I was working on compiling a PDF proof of some writing drafts this morning, I realized MS had "enhanced" office with AI. Without asking, without consent.

I was able to do the registry edit solution and now the AI.exe task does not appear to be loading when I go in to work on a draft.

I want to again remind people that AI is an equal opportunity robber. Your rough drafts? Private journals? AI don't care and will gobble that up.

#writingcommunity @bookstodon

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i just got the best pop up I've ever received on a website, on @stefan 's website

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Заготовил стикеров к наступающей эпохе господства AI

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This is another of my favourites, just because it confused my son so much 😅 Are you old enough to remember rewinding a video game with a pencil? ✏️

Find this and many other retrogaming, TTRPG and nerdy goodness at ❤️

#VideoGames #Gaming #Gamers #RetroGaming #retro

@MichaelWhelan the composition, design, and MOVEMENT in this work immediately made me think "Frazetta"

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The Gate of Jeddaks

The Gate of Jeddaks