iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted

What paywalls were made for!

New essay on how so many people have camped out, so enthusiastically, in the departure lounge of reality…

…in which I share the beliefs of some of actual real-life family members, and I do not want to get in trouble.

iolar boosted

I'm gonna keep posting this until one of you fucking boosts it

iolar boosted

@shlee im about halfway through and cannot tell if this is a shitpost or not

iolar boosted

As a kid on the C64 this load sequence meant top shelf, best of the best. It also meant uncopyable.


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Whoever is complaining about stepping on LEGO doesn’t have a child that likes to leave these scattered about the house.

iolar boosted

#meshtastic #bbs #tc2bbs messaging service and bulletin board using meshtastic direct messages as an interface to a server #heltecv3 #ubuntu
awesome ! With the meshtastic mesh you can retrieve messages and access bulletin boards. Reminds me of .... internet. With no service providers. Home-made net.

iolar boosted

The state of search in 2024:

Google: "We threw away decades of search knowledge and Internet indexing and just made an answer up :blobfoxgoogly:"

Bing: "Here's 100 tangentially related pages from 2010 that I only included because your query appears in a tag cloud in the website's footer"

DuckDuckGo: "Here are the Bing results, only with ✨privacy✨"

Reddit: (this user has deleted their entire post history using PowerDeleteMyShit. Fuck /u/Spez)

Yahoo: "Oh thank god, someone's actually using our search engine! No, we're not just Bing!" *frantically trying to cover up the giant Bing sticker* "NO DON'T GO TO GOOGLE!!!!"

Yandex: "Here are all of the Russian-owned resources on this topic. Only Russian sources are trustworthy. Everything else is fake ne—I MEAN, misinformation"

Kagi: "We'll give you what Google used to give you for free, for the low low price of $10/month!" [hoarse screaming and clawing noises can be heard from the ground beneath a headstone that says "Here lies Jeeves: 1996-2006"]

iolar boosted

A more modern histomap constructed by Schofield & Sims in 2016

Compare to a similar timeline constructed by John B. Sparks in 1931

#worldbuilding #history #rpg #osr

iolar boosted
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The Gate of Jeddaks

The Gate of Jeddaks