Dumping the ROM of a GBA game by crashing it
“A publisher told me that his (successful) business operated on the rule of thumb that 80% of books were not read by the purchaser - they were either gifts or found their way onto glass tables or dusty bookshelves
…That's why we like to say a record collection defines who you are, and a book collection defines who you really want to be.”
Will Page in the Winter 2023 issue of The Author
DOS_deck is impressive, and incredibly handy if you want to play MS-DOS games in the comfort of your browser. Have a look: https://dosdeck.com/
Trebors 7800 ROM PROPack, the complete #Atari7800 console rom collection has been updated. Download v7.14 https://7800.8bitdev.org/index.php/Trebors_7800_ROM_PROPack #retrogames #retrogaming
I pushed an update to #DOStodon (the #Mastodon client for MS-DOS):
- Display votes with results in the notifications
- Improve single choice voting dialog
- Implemented multiple choice voting
Grab it at https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon
#Javascript #RetroComputing #MSDOS #CreativeCoding #MastodonClient #FreeDOS #DJGPP #DOjS
since we're on the subject of Quake, they just released today another addon, downloadable through the ingame browser of the remasters, of a 5-map episode with a cool cyberpunk theme. It's related to the game Slave Zero X, and has custom weapons and enemies!
#Quake #RetroGaming #BoomerShooters
for #throwbackthursday and because it's the 30th anniversary of #Doom this year - here's a little piece I did back when @foone got Doom to run on a pregnancy test's screen.
#RealPrep: Caches of printed how-to books sealed, vacuumed, and with oxygen-eater packets in the bags with them are probably more valuable for long-term problems than you think.
Semjaza #BBS and #StrangerThings BBS are both back up (#mysticBBS-based)
#telnet and #ssh connections available on both. See image for addresses ports etc
I haven't reposted this in a while. If anyone needs a service manual or schematic for an old #arcade machine from the #70s #80s or #90s I have over 1,300 of them stored here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7FwUMAgjt39ckllTHpnX0p0MjA?resourcekey=0-ZdT8OMl1Eynp8xb0Y5ZbfA&usp=drive_link
Boosts welcome - it might help someone :-)