640k Was Never Enough For Anyone: How DOS Broke Free https://hackaday.com/2024/01/21/640k-was-never-enough-for-anyone-how-dos-broke-free/ #Retrocomputing #8086 #dos #ram
I took some time to work out the exact #formatting that #Elasticsearch demands. If you think this might be useful, go ahead and boost. If you find any errors or would like to suggest additions, please also post a reply!
Hopefully this can help prevent a lot of frustration and trouble people might encounter and give them a better Mastodon experience!
(Updated to Revision 2)
I love these old art books of classic sci-fi/fantasy art.
And I recognised the image on this book by artist Peter Jones as it was used by Psygnosis on the box art of the Amiga game Blood Money I used to play a lot with my buddy before school back in the early 90s (he lived next door to the school so we were rarely late).
A Bone giant from One Page Rules Mummified Undead. At 10cm tall, this fella had a lot of large flat areas, that I've tried to fill with different textures. Painted in oils over a dark brown primer.
Remembering when #ByteMagazine carried water for #Microsoft's 1990s FUD: https://archive.org/details/byte-magazine-1992-09
These days the #FreeBSD-derived #Darwin powering #Apple's operating systems has about the same installed base as #Windows. Adding the de facto Unix #Linux and derivatives like #Android easily eclipses Microsoft's efforts several times over.
Dumping the ROM of a GBA game by crashing it
“A publisher told me that his (successful) business operated on the rule of thumb that 80% of books were not read by the purchaser - they were either gifts or found their way onto glass tables or dusty bookshelves
…That's why we like to say a record collection defines who you are, and a book collection defines who you really want to be.”
Will Page in the Winter 2023 issue of The Author
DOS_deck is impressive, and incredibly handy if you want to play MS-DOS games in the comfort of your browser. Have a look: https://dosdeck.com/
Trebors 7800 ROM PROPack, the complete #Atari7800 console rom collection has been updated. Download v7.14 https://7800.8bitdev.org/index.php/Trebors_7800_ROM_PROPack #retrogames #retrogaming
I pushed an update to #DOStodon (the #Mastodon client for MS-DOS):
- Display votes with results in the notifications
- Improve single choice voting dialog
- Implemented multiple choice voting
Grab it at https://github.com/SuperIlu/DOStodon
#Javascript #RetroComputing #MSDOS #CreativeCoding #MastodonClient #FreeDOS #DJGPP #DOjS
@Dan_Ramos Only once they pry my cold, dead, fingers from my CDs and floppies
since we're on the subject of Quake, they just released today another addon, downloadable through the ingame browser of the remasters, of a 5-map episode with a cool cyberpunk theme. It's related to the game Slave Zero X, and has custom weapons and enemies!
#Quake #RetroGaming #BoomerShooters
for #throwbackthursday and because it's the 30th anniversary of #Doom this year - here's a little piece I did back when @foone got Doom to run on a pregnancy test's screen.