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7 ways the Earth has changed from ancient to modern times

From the length of a day to the amount of solar energy received, the Earth sure has changed impressively over its history.

Enjoy what we've got while we've got it!

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iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted
iolar boosted

🥲me - having been up since 5am on a Sunday… and saturday and well hell.. this whole week..

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iolar boosted

Man, the work it took to get this server instance running. And I'm not done. Self-signed certificate servers only work with some other mastodon servers, and NO Android client. Sigh.

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iolar boosted

The wealthy avoid taxes using the “Buy-Borrow-Die” strategy:

Step 1: Buy assets and hold (to avoid capital gains taxes from selling)

Step 2: Borrow money from Banks for living expenses using assets as collateral, at low interest rates (while assets appreciate)

Step 3: Interest paid on borrowed money is a tax write off

Step 4: Wait and repeat. The long-term gains on assets outweigh the short-term cost of borrowing money

Step 5: Pass assets to kids, tax-free (with stepped-up basis) and repeat

The Gate of Jeddaks

The Gate of Jeddaks