I just started reading this book -- and wow, this is the book that explains the Traveller RPG to the modern reader.

How can I be almost 50 years old and just now learning about this? I blame @johnsonjeffro for not writing an Appendix N: Traveller Edition to clue me in.



@archon @johnsonjeffro There was a very basic list of sources that influenced Traveller back-in-the-day. A group of special characters were listed in Supplement 01 - 1001 Characters (without attribution), and a group of Heroes and Villians in 04 - Citizens of the Imperium (with attribution for both books), and the Dumarest Saga was mentioned there (along with many other sources). But, I get your point :-) You need to read Shannon Appelcline's "The Science Fiction in Traveller".

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